Directed by: Robert Rodriguez & Eli Roth
No one doubts Quentin Tarantino's talents. But you doubt whether he's using his talents in the right direction. After the two-volume feature of Kill Bill, here's two features within the garb of a single film, complete with seedy trailers and what not, reminiscent of what they used to show at the B-grade theatres of the US in the 70s.
The double-feature, Planet Terror and Death Proof, is Tarantino's tribute to the movie-going experience at the Grindhouse, as the theatres were called, complete with the features and several trailers, of faux films with fantastic title as The Warewolf Women of the SS, Don't and so on.
And you get to see the total of the 70s, with the aged look of the reels, muffled sound, some reels missing in between and highly dramatic plotline.
Yet the film is quintessential Tarantino, what with the strong female characters, and 'girl-power' oriented plot, and an unmistakable obsession for the bizarre - a stripper with a machine gun for a leg, a woman recreating the actions from the cult film 'Vanishing Point' and the irreverent humour.
The best part of the entire endeavour is, however, the trailers, they are just outrageously funny.
Don't make a mistake. This is not a spoof, but Tarantino's tribute to genre films, which turns out to be a genre itself.
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