The first Meg Ryan film I saw was Addicted to Love (1997), in the same year, at the Rahul theatre in Pune, when it had a 70 mm screen. I loved the film. I loved Matthew Broderick, and I loved Meg Ryan. Since then I have sought out each of Meg Ryan films, well, most of them — Sleepless in Seattle (1993), When Harry Met Shally (1989), City of Angels (1998), Courage Under Fire (1996, I still like the film, that’s because of Danzel Washington), French Kiss (1995), Prelude to a Kiss (1994), You’ve Got Mail (1998), Kate and Leopold (2001) and the atrocious, My Mom’s New Boyfriend (2008).
I remember travelling across the city to a seedy theatre to see City of Angels because it was the only theatre that played the film. Such was the level of my dedication. And now, I couldn’t care less about her. Seriously. How did it happen?
More on Meg Ryan Here.
To your question, I don't know the answer. Just want to share that I'm going through my Meg Ryan period right now. I've searched and watched most of her works, from the early part in Innerspace, to the height of her career with When Harry met Sally, When a man love a woman, Courage under fire, etc. coming to the (seemingly) recent (very unpopular) part like My mom's New boyfriend. I can totally understand your early fascination with her. There's just something so compelling in every part she did. Her recent works just doesn't feel like a Meg-Ryan anymore. I don't know, I'm kinda mourning for the loss of her brilliance. I wish I were there at the peak of her career so I'd be able to look forward to every movie she did and savour them. I discovered her too late and then I discovered her downfall too quickly.