
Sunday, July 01, 2012


You cannot call it rain as such, it was a drizzle actually. But, it was nice to have some rain on the first day of July after a dry monsoon season in May-June. As it rained in the afternoon, the sun wouldn’t budge, and as I was driving to work, there was a nice play of rain and sun, and I was transported back to my childhood days.

On a day when the sun and rain come together, we say, on a day like this, the lame fox in the forest on our backyard gets married. Everybody is inviting to the wedding, and the sparrow is in charge of welcoming the guests.

There’s a small Asomiya nursery rhyme that we used to sing. An unimaginative translation would be like the following.

It rains and it shine,
It’s the day the lame fox weds
The sparrow is in charge of pan-supari
Give us one too.

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